A small bouquet of red roses - Juicy fun
Riot of colors and romantic tenderness roses, gerberas and chrysanthemums make this bouquet of bright and memorable. Green chrysanthemum reminded of the wonderful spring day, yellow as the sun gerbera evoke dreams of summer, and red roses, well blended in the composition, the final result is supplied. This gorgeous design masterpiece will appeal to both young and married woman.
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Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
COMMENTS ABOUT Bouquet «A small bouquet of red roses - Juicy fun»
Elena / г. Санкт-Петербург / 09.04.2022bouquet rating:Пользуюсь услугами этой фирмы уже пятый раз и неизменно очень довольна! Цветы и подарки доставляли в Хабаровск, Нижний Новгород, Санкт-Петербург! Неизменно высокое качество и свежесть букетов, красивые поздравительные открытки! В этот раз я еще заказала торт! Подарок привезли в нужное время, именинница была страшно довольна. Я - тоже! Спасибо! Небольшое недоразумение по числу роз в букете было быстро предотвращено. Благодарю!
Marina / г. Ахтубинск / 22.09.2020bouquet rating:Букет заказывали с Камчатки с доставкой в Сарапуле. Доставили в то время какое выбрала получательница букета. Всё хорошо.Спасибо
Матвей Савин / г. Коряжма / 14.09.2020bouquet rating:Вы молодцы ! Рано утром доставить в номер отеля ... Это очень круто !!! Цветы класс-яркий, классный букет.
Irina / г. Ейск / 08.08.2017bouquet rating:Thank you very much for your work! The order was delivered a little late, but it's nothing compared to the positive emotions! I wish you success!
Larissa / г. Ульяновск / 15.07.2017bouquet rating:All went well, a surprise success, the only "but" local florists little changed bouquet (shape). but still beautifully turned
Oleg / г. Воронеж / 03.06.2017bouquet rating:It is not the first time of placing the company. Very pleased with the flexible system of discounts, lots of shares. Juicy bunch of fun ordering in Smolensk on the 8 of March and warned that delivery during the day will be in connection with the holiday. With the receiver in the morning we phoned learned time and at the same time and took everything. Fresh flowers, as the photo bouquet. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you very much!
Mila / г. Нальчик / 09.10.2016bouquet rating:Thanks for a great job! For the second time I use your services, it's very like it)
Bogdan / г. Сестрорецк / 25.09.2016bouquet rating:Thank you, everything is fine, flowers are very pleased !! kowtow to your team!
Yuri Sobolewski / г. Гагарин / 16.09.2016bouquet rating:Use your services for the first time. Thank you. We delivered on time. Surprise success. fully satisfied
SERGIO / г. Barselona / 05.09.2016bouquet rating:Repeatedly ordered flowers sweetheart in another city !! And every time florists worked wonders! All my relatives who have received the gift of a bouquet of flowers were just ecstatic! Always on time, accurately and quickly work the guys in this company! Thank you for your work!
Tatiana Kruchinsky / г. Шахты / 27.06.2016bouquet rating:The order has been received and processed promptly, delivered on time. Thank you so much! I am sure I will cooperate with you in the future
Tatiana Sudohodova / г. Мурманск / 15.06.2016bouquet rating:Thank you very much, very delicate bouquet of fresh flowers, all colors are very harmoniously together!
Elisha / г. Ипатово / 17.05.2016bouquet rating:thank you for the delivery of the order at the time !!! Now I will be your regular customer !!
Alexey Kudryashov / г. Мыски / 07.05.2016bouquet rating:Thank you very much for the quality and timely delivery! The recipient loved it! I will definitely continue to use your services in the future
Alla / г. Крымск / 08.06.2015bouquet rating:I sincerely thank for their delivery of flowers. The result was a great surprise! Thank you for the professional florists bouquets.
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